Neural Forecasting
Competition @ IJCNN'10
The 2010 IEEE
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
July 18-23, 2009 - Barcelona, Spain

General IJCNN Conference Info
IJCNN is the premier international conference in the area
of neural networks theory, analysis and applications. It is organized by
the International Neural Networks Society (INNS) and sponsored jointly
by INNS and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. This is an
exemplary collaboration between the two leading societies on neural
networks and it provides a solid foundation for the future extensive
development of the field.
IJCNN 2010 will feature invited plenary talks
by world-renowned speakers, a variety of special sessions and panel
discussions. It will have pre-conference
tutorials and workshops, as well as regular technical
sessions, poster sessions, and series of social functions.
Please visit the conference webpage
announcing the NN
GC Time
Series Forecasting Competition for additional information and the workshop
Abstract Submission to present at IJCNN'10
special session
Until our special
session is finally announced please submitt full papers to a joint
special session:
on the
submission website
http://www.wcci2010.org/submission follow to the bottom of
the page
klick on -->
IJCNN or IEEE-CEC 2010 or FUZZ-IEEE 2010 (special session in all
Select the
special session "S093 Computational Intelligence in Forecasting
(chaired by Stepnicka, Donate and Crone)"
All accepted
papers will be eligible for oral presentation.
Submissions to the new 2009 NN
GC1 competition
A set of 6 small
datasets of transportation data are available at (www.neural-forecasting-competition.com).
The competition data consist of different datasets, each with 11
time series of a different time series frequency of yearly,
quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly data. A competitor
must submit at least predictions on one dataset (reduced set of 11
series) of the 6 datasets to be eligible to participate in the
workshop. Over the course of the competition competitors will be
encouraged to submit predictions on all 6 datasets (complete set
of 66 series). All those planning to
submit predictions on at least one datasets or all 6 of the datasets
are invited to submit abstracts describing their methods for
presentation at the 2010 WCCI conference.
Submissions to the past NN3 & NN5 competitions
In addition we also invite
participants from the past NN3 and NN4 competitions to submit
abstracts and present their earlier submissions at WCCI'10. Our aim
is to provide those that have participated in previous competitions
at the IJCNN'07 and WCCI'08 or ISF'07/08 and DMIN'07/08 conferences,
and that were unable to attend before, with the opportunity to
present their original methodology and possible extensions and
revisions since then . We hope this will disseminate best practices
on how to predict time series data of different time frequencies to
a wider audience, in particular due to its relevance for the
corresponding datasets with similar time series frequency in the 1st
NN Grand Challenge (NN GC1).
- Presentations
are restricted to NN3, NN5 and NN GC1 competition participants
(those that have submitted predictions on the NN3 or NN5 datasets in
the past or will submit predictions for the NN GC1 by the
deadline). Presentations of those submitting abstracts without
predictions at NN3, NN5 or NN GC1 (by the prediction submission
deadline) will be cancelled and will not be
eligible to present.
- Presentations held in the past at other NN3, NN5 or NN GC
conference sessions (e.g. ISF'08 and DMIN'08) do not rule out a
presentation at WCCI'10 - you can present at multiple conference
sessions, and we welcome your input to the IJCNN community, as long
as the paper has not been published before!
- In
order to present at the NN GC1 session those accepted must register to attend the
WCCI'10 conference
If you are interested, but are running into
problems with your submission or the deadlines, please contact the
organizers immediately! We look forward to welcoming you in
Tba - Registration via the conference
website in order to ensure a place for presentation.
Dates & Deadlines
January 2010
7 February 2010
Deadline for full paper submission to
WCCI'10 (extended, passed) |
15 March 2010 |
Notification of acceptance |
2 May 2010 |
Final paper submission |
23 May 2010 |
Deadline for early
registration |
18-23 June 2010 |
WCCI'10 Special Session,
Barcelona, Spain |
submissions due for datasets C (monthly) & E (daily) of
tournament 1 |
submissions due for datasets A (yearly) & B (quarterly) of
tournament 1 |
submissions due for datasets D (weekly) & F (hourly) of
tournament 1 |
Workshops |